With summer finally here a lot of people will be going out into the UV-filled sun exposing themselves to it's harmful rays in hopes of social acceptance. After receiving your cancer causing fix your off grasping your camera screaming, "MYSPACE!" (or Facebook given the time we live in now...) Well thanks to Photoshop, my unhealthy summation of bordem, and a girl who burns too easy, I've developed a technique to add healthy tans with no risks! No more pumpkin looking conformists, just fake bakers without the cost of a tanning bed =).
This Jane Doe doesn't need halloween to scare off the local children, especially with this black contrast she resembles a seductive ghost, possibly Casper's sister.
Uncertain why her luscious skin became an aggressive burden once the sun hit she came to me in desperation to help her.
Understanding her history with such endeavors I understood tanning was something best left to the professionals (or those who use Photoshop as an unhealthy habit, its really just a fine line.) Some experimentation with Photoshop CS4 lead to the following results:
¡ViolĂ ! What a healthy glow huh? A completely healthy tan without any dreaded tan lines, unnecessary risks of burns, or harmful cancer causing implements! She proved to be a real Italian after all, at least that's what everyone probably believed until this post...
Below is some other work I've done using Photoshop CS4 to create well rounded tans just in time for the fill those summer albums.
cool webpage, i like the graphics that were used very nice =D